Справедливая Корея

  • Подписчики: 26 подписчиков
  • ID: 12174107
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СКАЖИТЕ "НЕТ" ЯПОНСКОМУ ФАШИЗМУ! Антифашисты всех стран, соединяйтесь! ЭТО НЕ ПАРТИЯ! Японский фашизм отличается от простого фашизма тем, что его политическая основа жива, и он является основой монархии. This group is for those who heartily love Korea and hope to take her place as one of the world powers in fair, peaceful and righteous way. Most of the discussion in this group will be going in English to help the people from different countries to comprehend the meaning of every word. However, every foreign language such as Russian, Korean and Japanese are also allowed to use jointly. If any member makes a speech of personal attack or leaves any sort of advertisement, he will be broken away from this group. People, let's not hate anyone, even those who have given you harm. :) There must be some reasons we did not notice. Thanks to every visitors with interest in Korea.