Please, read when you come to this blog!
Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to our English world! Pay your attention, please, that the discussion section is located on the right. In it, I created three parts - for those who are responsible for movies and series, for those who are responsible for travel, and for those who are responsible for history. All tasks for creating an interview, review, and news article will be performed there, according to your topics, and then discussed in the comments below the post.
We also have a wall that can be decorated as you wish. But the information in the posts on it must meet the following requirements:
1. All information is only in English;
2. You can write on any topic, but the information should be interesting and useful for everyone, and have source data (a link to the site, a mention of the author, etc.);
3. The information should be either from verified sources (Wikipedia is not suitable), or written by you personally (for example, poems, a story or a note);
4. Materials can be of various formats-text, audio files, video files, photos-design your message in a way that would please the eye – esthetically;
5. All materials should have signatures - what is it, about what it, ideally, what it can be useful to us;
6. And last but not a least, the culture of communication, avoid foul language, both in your comments and in texts.