Van Morrison

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Van Morrison is a Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, author, poet and multi-instrumentalist, who is widely considered one of the most important living artist of our time. He has albums that are ranked greatest in the entire rock and roll canon. He has over 150 songs featured in major motion pictures—with the latest being featured in the Scorsese film "The Departed". Официальный сайт Van Morrison Welcome to the unofficial Van Morrison news blog - created & maintained by a long time fan to serve as an information resource for fans. Огромное кол-во информации по песням, концертам, участникам, когда-либо выступавшим с Van Morrison Список всех концертов Van Morrison. Самодельные обложки для каждого концерта со списком исполненных песен Morrison: Each song is a factious story. I wrote them on the astral level from the collective... The songs require listeners to follow along and see what happens next. I can’t compromise my music. I have fought all my life with people trying to sell me a bridge to compromise my music and I can’t do it, musically. Morrison: I will always have the last laugh, because I do not have to follow the social conformity that most people compromise and do. And I do not listen to any ideas but my own. That is the only way to stay true to your music. It's a long fight. You must hold your ground because the business is built so that every part of your ground can be stolen from you right in front of your very eyes. Do not comply. Do not conform. Stay true to your own instinct. No deal is a good deal. There are always snakes and vipers in every area of the music business. From selling your T-shirt, to selling your record, to the agents, who are all highway robbers, who want what you earn for doing next to nothing, to show people who will take the hat off your head ... if you do not have it nailed on. Keep your eyes open and if it sounds too good to be true -- it is. Everyone is a fast talker, and like I wrote in my song, "Talk Is Cheap."