Information (from lat. informātiō — "clarifying the concept of anything", from lat. informare "to give the appearance, form, train; to think, imagine") is information regardless of the form of their presentation. Despite the wide prevalence, the concept of information remains one of the most controversial in science, and the term can have different meanings in different areas of human activity. Information is not matter and energy, information is information Norbert Wiener
There are many definitions of information, and academician N. N. Moses even believed that because of the breadth of this concept there is and can not be a strict and sufficiently universal definition of information. The following definitions are given in international and Russian standards:
knowledge of objects, facts, ideas, etc. that people can share within a specific context (ISO/IEC 10746-2: 1996);
knowledge of facts, events, things, ideas and concepts that have a specific meaning in a particular context (ISO / IEC 2382: 2015);
information perceived by a person and (or) special devices as a reflection of the facts of the material or spiritual world in the process of communication (GOST 7.0-99).
Although information must take some form of representation (i.e., become data) to be able to exchange, information is primarily an interpretation (meaning) of such representation (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010). Therefore, in the strict sense, information is different from data, although in an informal context, these two terms are often used as synonyms.
Initially, "information" - information transmitted by people orally, in writing or otherwise (using conventional signals, technical means, etc.); since the middle of the XX century, the term" information " has become a General scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, man and machine, automatic and automatic; exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; transmission of signs from cell to cell, from body to body (for example, genetic information); one of the basic concepts of Cybernetics.